Neven Ciganović sudionik britanske dokumentarne serije “Plastic & Proud”

***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***LONDON, UK, AUGUST 2017: Neven Ciganovic, 47, has countless surgeries in his quest to remain youthful-looking in London, UK, August 2017. FROM the model who has a six foot wide bum to a man transforming himself into Britney Spears - meet five of the world’s most extreme plastic surgery addicts. Celebrities and movie stars are often quick to deny they’ve had work done to perfect their appearance, but that is not the case for the subjects of a brand new All 4 series, Plastic and Proud. All over the world, people are getting their lips plumped, their butts lifted and their boobs made bigger – and refusing to be ashamed. This fascinating look into the lives of people who live with #plasticpositive as their mantra.These people don’t just want to improve their bodies with plastic surgery – natural beauty is far from the goal here. Plastic is perfection. ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Image: 349235317, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ******CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Povećanje usana, podizanje stražnjice ili povećanje grudi samo su neki od zahvata kojima se brojne zvijezde podvrgavaju kako bi poboljšale svoj izgled. Celebrityji o tome nerado govore, no postoje oni koji su potrošili cijelo bogatstvo kako bi dostigli svoj ideal ljepote i o tome s ponosom govore u novoj seriji s dokumentarističkim pristupom Plastic & Proud (Plastični i ponosni) britanskog Channela 4. Estetski zahvati upravo su ono što ih je proslavilo…

Prirodni izgled nije njihov cilj, prenosi The Sun, a u seriji se našao i naš Neven Ciganović.

Od 180 cm opsežne stražnjice do želje za strukom od 35 cm, ovi „obožavatelji“ plastične kirurgije otvoreno priznaju da su ovisni o estetskoj kirurgiji.

Što veća stražnjica

Šveđanka Natasha Crown ima 24 godine i posvećena je cilju da njezina stražnjica bude što veća. S 20 godina napravila je prvi postupak povećanja stražnjice, a danas posebnom prehranom koja se sastoji od „junk fooda“, sladoleda i masne hrane želi nabaciti dodatne kilograme kako bi imala dovoljno masti za transferirati u stražnjicu ne bi li bila još veća.

***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. *** GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN, JULY 2017: Natasha Crown deliberately piles on the pounds for a fat transfer to make her 190 cm booty even bigger in Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2017. FROM the model who has a six foot wide bum to a man transforming himself into Britney Spears - meet five of the world’s most extreme plastic surgery addicts. Celebrities and movie stars are often quick to deny they’ve had work done to perfect their appearance, but that is not the case for the subjects of a brand new All 4 series, Plastic and Proud. All over the world, people are getting their lips plumped, their butts lifted and their boobs made bigger – and refusing to be ashamed. This fascinating look into the lives of people who live with #plasticpositive as their mantra.These people don’t just want to improve their bodies with plastic surgery – natural beauty is far from the goal here. Plastic is perfection. ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Image: 349235350, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ******CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media

„Opsjednuta sam time. Ujutro prvo pogledam stražnjicu u ogledalu… Možda se radi o poremećaju, ali uopće ne mislim da mi je stražnjica toliko velika. Želim još veću“, The Sun prenosi Natashine riječi.

***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. *** GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN, JULY 2017: Natasha Crown earns a living by selling her videos and photographs to big bum enthusiasts in Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2017. FROM the model who has a six foot wide bum to a man transforming himself into Britney Spears - meet five of the world’s most extreme plastic surgery addicts. Celebrities and movie stars are often quick to deny they’ve had work done to perfect their appearance, but that is not the case for the subjects of a brand new All 4 series, Plastic and Proud. All over the world, people are getting their lips plumped, their butts lifted and their boobs made bigger – and refusing to be ashamed. This fascinating look into the lives of people who live with #plasticpositive as their mantra.These people don’t just want to improve their bodies with plastic surgery – natural beauty is far from the goal here. Plastic is perfection. ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Image: 349235256, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ******CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media

„U pubertetu se moje tijelo počelo mijenjati, dobila sam obline i to je ono što obožavam. Od tada sam napravila tri korekcije stražnjice, povećala grudi i usne i korigirala još neke dijelove“, kazala je, dodajući kako se s velikom stražnjicom osjeća moćnom i seksualno privlačnom čak i samoj sebi.

“47-godišnjak zauvijek”

Ponosni sudionik ove serije je i Neven Ciganović koji je izjavio da je s 22 godine napravio prvu korekciju i od tada ne može prestati. Cilj mu je, otkriva, zauvijek izgledati dobro.

***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***LONDON, UK, AUGUST 2017: Neven Ciganovic, 47, has countless surgeries in his quest to remain youthful-looking in London, UK, August 2017. FROM the model who has a six foot wide bum to a man transforming himself into Britney Spears - meet five of the world’s most extreme plastic surgery addicts. Celebrities and movie stars are often quick to deny they’ve had work done to perfect their appearance, but that is not the case for the subjects of a brand new All 4 series, Plastic and Proud. All over the world, people are getting their lips plumped, their butts lifted and their boobs made bigger – and refusing to be ashamed. This fascinating look into the lives of people who live with #plasticpositive as their mantra.These people don’t just want to improve their bodies with plastic surgery – natural beauty is far from the goal here. Plastic is perfection. ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Image: 349235317, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ******CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Tri puta sam korigirao nos, povećao sam usne, stavio implantate u obraze. Zauvijek želim izgledati kao 47-godišnjak“, kazao je Neven za The Sun.

Lik iz crtanog filma

Šveđanka Pixee Fox za postizanje svog ideala ljepote kirurški je odstranila šest rebara te uz višesatnu svakodnevnu tjelovježbu i kontroliranu ishranu pokušava svoj struk svesti na 35 cm. Ljudi joj, kako kaže, često prilaze i govore: „Nemojte krivo shvatiti, ali izgledate kao lik iz crtića“, što ona shvaća kao kompliment, jer upravo to i želi postići.

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** NORTH CAROLINA, USA - NOVEMBER 04: An image of Pixee Fox, 25, measuring her waist after her rib removal surgery on November 4, 2015, in North Carolina, USA. A SURGERY loving model has had SIX RIBS removed - to look like a CARTOON character. Former electrician Pixee Fox, from North Carolina, USA, had already spent more than Ł70,000 on plastic surgery attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure. But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. The 25-year-old, who is originally from Sweden, says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World. The extreme five-hour keyhole surgery operation cost Ł6,000 and was performed by plastic surgeon Dr Barry Eppley in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons but can be used for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation., Image: 267605360, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Za nju je tijelo Jessice Rabbit ideal ženstvenosti. Osim uklanjanja rebara, četiri je puta korigirala nos, jednako toliko puta povećala grudi, korigirala stražnjicu, podvrgnula se liposukciji i naglasila obraze filerima.

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** NORTH CAROLINA, USA - NOVEMBER 04: An image of Pixee Fox, 25, after her rib removal surgery on November 4, 2015, in North Carolina, USA. A SURGERY loving model has had SIX RIBS removed - to look like a CARTOON character. Former electrician Pixee Fox, from North Carolina, USA, had already spent more than Ł70,000 on plastic surgery attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure. But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. The 25-year-old, who is originally from Sweden, says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World. The extreme five-hour keyhole surgery operation cost Ł6,000 and was performed by plastic surgeon Dr Barry Eppley in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The operation, which is irreversible, is usually performed for medical reasons but can be used for cosmetic purposes after extensive consultation., Image: 267605460, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Kao Britney Spears

Bryan Ray iz Los Angelesa želi izgledati kao Britney Spears i zauvijek ostati mladolik, baš kao da mu je 17 godina. Potrošio je oko pola milijuna kuna na više od 90 estetskih zahvata kako bi izgledao poput svog pop idola Britney Spears. Između ostalog, podvrgnuo se korekciji nosa, laserski uklonio dlačice, napravio lipofilling obraza, povećao usne

***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. *** LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, JULY 2017: Bryan Ray has spent more than Ł80,000 in his quest to look like Britney Spears in Los Angeles, California, July 2017. FROM the model who has a six foot wide bum to a man transforming himself into Britney Spears - meet five of the world’s most extreme plastic surgery addicts. Celebrities and movie stars are often quick to deny they’ve had work done to perfect their appearance, but that is not the case for the subjects of a brand new All 4 series, Plastic and Proud. All over the world, people are getting their lips plumped, their butts lifted and their boobs made bigger – and refusing to be ashamed. This fascinating look into the lives of people who live with #plasticpositive as their mantra.These people don’t just want to improve their bodies with plastic surgery – natural beauty is far from the goal here. Plastic is perfection. ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Image: 349235390, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ******CONDITION OF USAGE Plastic & Proud is on All 4, the Channel 4 on demand service, on Thursday September 14. ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Još odmalena je, kako kaže, opsjednut Britney Spears, koja je, smatra, savršena.


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